The answer is the letter x. placeholder x
is a character used in ICD-10-CM diagnosis code to create a six character code when a code with fewer than six characters require 7th character extension, it is also called the dummy x.
Answer (1)
Getting a paycheck is not what most people want out of their job, <em>studies have shown that some people, contrary to the general believe actually look for other things asides paycheck from their jobs.</em> Some of these factors that encourages people into finding fulfillment in their jobs includes permanent flexibility of the working time, commitment into to health and well being of the staffs by the employer of these people, etc. <em>This factors creates a sense of purpose in the workers, encouraging them to put their body and soul into the job without thinking too much about the paycheck.</em>
Answer (2)
<em>Different people have different reasons for working</em>, although some just work for the paycheck, others are driven by a sense of purpose among other things. To some people, the work setting provides a sort of belonging and gives them the impression of working in a team, which is what most people actually want.
Answer (3)
<em>2. Belongingness</em>
As stated, some workers just want the setting that provides a sense of belonging and security within a team. <em>This type of workers are not too concerned with the paycheck increase that comes with a promotion if it takes them away from their perceived team.</em>
Infant industry.
In this scenario, Company Z is a U.S. company that is the first in this country to produce a good that is already produced in many foreign countries and sold in the United States. Most likely, the argument it will voice in its attempt to be protected from foreign competition is the infant industry argument.
An infant industry can be defined as an industry that is still in its early stages of development and as such are not capable of competing with foreign companies.
<em>Hence, according to the infant industry theory the argument would be that infant industries should be offered some kind of protection from competitors in other industries either foreign or local until they mature and develop a good and reputable economies of scale. </em>
People avoid carbohydrates, because they have a high calory density.