The government would be the obliviousmebts
Answer: Haptic
Haptic sense is basically related to the science of touch sensing and also control the interaction with the various computer applications. The word haptic comes from the Greek word " Haptein" which means to fasten.
In the digital technology, the haptic sense is basically related to the tactile sensation and it is the method of interaction with the various electronic and the computer devices such as smartphones. It is also known as haptic technology.
Ok so i dont know your question, but i think the what i guess the mom is saying that no matter what happens just move forward and dont dwell on the past, because you cannot change it. Things happen for a reason.
The correct answer would be, It lessens the chance that bias will affect the review process.
Grant proposal reviewers are people who review the proposal came to them to approve or reject a grant. They select the proposal on the basis of certain ground to approve the grant. If there comes a proposal, which conflicts with their interest, then it is better to get themselves removed from the review process, because if they do so, there are pretty fair chances that they become biased and can reject the grant on the basis of their own views. So if they get themselves separated from the review process, it would lessen the chance that bias will affect the review process.