A river gives the inhabitants a reliable source of water for drinking and agriculture. Additional benefits include fishing, fertile soil due to annual flooding, and ease of transportation. The first great civilizations, such as those in Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt, all grew up in river valleys.
Los europeos llevaban a un enemigo oculto a los indios: nuevas enfermedades. Los pueblos nativos de América no tenían inmunidad contra las enfermedades que los exploradores y colonos europeos traían consigo. Enfermedades como la viruela, la influenza, el sarampión e incluso la varicela resultaron mortales para los indios americanos.
90, because 1 fits into 90, 90 times.
Corporate managers who fail to give due consideration to the rights of employees and other concerned groups in the pursuit of profit are treating these groups as means to the ends of stockholders. This is unjust according to the rights-based ethical framework.
The Battle of Kings Mountain is considered the most significant battle of the Southern campaign of the American Revolution because it was the first major American victory.
During the Battle of King’s Mountain, the Patriots were able to surround and dominate British Loyalists leading to major losses and the killing of British Major Ferguson. After seeing Ferguson fall, Loyalists were led to surrender.