Nepal has undergone and is consistently undergoing changes in its governance, and structure of society for which it has lead to frequent changes in the constitution.
The Government of Nepal act 1948, was changed because there were no democratic rights in the Constitution.
The first democratic constitution enacted in the year 1959 was scrapped by the King of Nepal because he felt that the constitution is trying to reduce his powers.
The next constitution enacted in 1962 was scrapped after a short period of time because it was an anti democratic constitution.
In the year 1990 the King of Nepal used the constitution for selfish needs.
It started when the patriarch of Constantinople and partiarch of Rome excommunicated each other.
Imaginary war is a psychological warfare but in the brink of using nuclear warfare such as what happened during the cold war. They stopped using massive soldiers and be taken to alliance countries. The political benefit is power although they are just giving words it's already in the thin line of instigation. However, this created a negative impact on the people that anytime they are not sure if they would still live or not.
Lack of entrepreneurship and lifeskills education. ...
Lack of access to capital. ...
A digital divide.