Read the following discharge summary: Hospital Course Mrs. Collach was admitted to the medical service. She was placed on NPO st
atus and given IVF and analgesics. An ultrasound revealed gallstones in the common bile duct as the etiology for Mrs. Collach's pancreatitis. Surgery was consulted. On hospital day 2, Mrs. Collach was taken to the OR for laparoscopic choledocholithectomy and cholecystectomy. She tolerated the procedure well. She began a postoperative refeeding plan with a low-protein, low-fat diet. She tolerated advancing the diet, and 2 days after her surgery, her pain had improved enough that she was discharged home. According to this summary, which of the following is true? A. The ultrasound revealed gallstones as the cause of Mrs. Collach's pancreas pain.
B. The ultrasound results are pending.
C. The ultrasound revealed gallstones, and the cause of the pancreatitis is occult.
D. The ultrasound revealed gallstones, but they were noncontributory.
E. The ultrasound revealed the common bile duct has lesions.