—both inside their walls ... a chain like the management by objective process we discussed in an earlier module. ... performance review, for example) but it can also occur in informal ways. ... do the communicating and follow the processes on behalf of the organization.
Those organizations that facilitate good communication—both inside their walls ... a chain like the management by objective process we discussed in an earlier module. ... performance review, for example) but it can also occur in informal ways. ... do the communicating and follow the processes on behalf of the organization.
Participant observation is when an individual takes an active role in the culture and society they are studying.
- When an individual chooses to involve himself actively in the operations of society in order to observe them closely and understand the nuances of each of the processes, he can be said to be carrying out participant observation.
- In this type of observation, the participant gets to become a part of the process that he is studying and understand it from within.
French, Spanish and Italian alphabet are the same because they are the parts of the Romance languages. These three have the same vocabulary and grammar. Spanish, French, and Italian are the official languages of the European Union.
The Russian language is known as one of the Indo- European language. The written language was brought by Cyril from Greek which was later modified by the Slavic. The alphabets of the Russian is called as the Cyrillic alphabet.
Based on the scenario being described within the question it can be said that this is most likely part of the field of Microsociology. This field studies the everyday human social interactions that exist within a society on a very small scale as opposed to the social aspects of a large population. In other words it deals with 1 on 1 interactions between humans. As in this scenario.
convergent plates are when two plates collide.