The answer is:
- mitochondria and chloroplasts originated as ingested prokaryotes
- mitochondria and chloroplasts have their own DNA
Prokaryotes are exist in simple form organisms (such as single celled animals) Plants in general are considered to be complex organism. Since mitochondria and Chloroplast have separates DNA this fact could be used as an indicator that at one point in time complex organisms were originated from simple form organisms that undergone the process of evolution.
<span>This document supports the position of the Samara assembly. Both argue that property should be handed over to the peasants and wealthy landowners should not be paid for the seized property. Additionally, both documents imply that peasants work hard for little reward.
<span>Korea had been under Japanese domination since 1910, and had been very isolationist for most of the centuries before then. During the Japanese occupation, Japan tried to eliminate Korea as a separate country - suppressing their local government and their language, forcing Koreans to take Japanese names, destroying or stealing hundreds of cultural artifacts. When Japan surrendered in 1945 it was forced to give up conquered territories, including Korea.
Hundreds of thousands of Koreans died during WWII, as forced laborers and conscripted soldiers. Perhaps as many as 100,000 Korean girls and women were forced into sexual slavery as "comfort women". By the end of the war, more than 800,000 Japanese colonists were occupying Korea, though the majority of those returned to Japan after the surrender.
When Soviet Russia entered the war against Japan in the few days before Japan surrendered, it claimed the right to occupy some Japanese territories during the transition period to what was supposed to be home rule for former Japanese conquests. Between 1945 and 1948, while the United Nations was trying to help the Koreans set up an independent government, the Soviet Russians were working hard in their occupation zone to set up a communist government in their own image - this led to two Koreas, North and South, which led to the Korean War and the current stalemate between the two Koreas. The partition of Korea into North and South is a direct result of the end of World War II.</span>
This is classic example of phishing where the bad people try to "fish" your information from you by acting like legit companies.
I believe the answer is D