A Savings Vehicle is an effective way to hold your savings. It could be a savings account. But some requires a high minimum balance such as Certificate of Deposit (CD). It is generally issued by commercial banks. It is a time deposit too and restricts you from withdrawing funds.
The correct answer is option (D) Identify the impact on safety of the property
In every Business Impact Analysis, the first and the most important step is for the CISO is to identify and estimate the impact of the aftereffects on the business and property of an organization that may be occurred from the disaster.
Physical security is very important, but it is not noticed by most organizations. It is important if you do not want anyone to take away your information or destroy it, in case of natural calamity. the reason could be that, the intruder is doing it for his personal achievement, financial gain,or seeking revenge or when one is taken unaware and becomes a target. If this security is not maintained properly all the safety measures will not be useful once the attacker gets through by gaining physical access.
Example of property can be software, equipment, facilities, company’s assets.
802.11a supports bandwidth of 54 Mbps in a regulated frequency spectrum of 5 GHz. 802.11a also referred to as Wi-fi 2. 802.11a is basically costs higher than 802.11b though both were created at the same time. Hence 802.11b is more popular than 802.11a . All of them are developed by IEEE.
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