No,not every product produced in the United states is included in U.S gross domestic product.
In the gross domestic product of The U.S, only final goods and services are included. If we talk about intermediate goods. These are those goods which are partly finished and they are used as input in the manufacturing of finished goods and services.
There are some goods and services which are produced only for personal use are excluded from GDP, because GDP includes only those goods which are traded in the market.
Welfare means well-being and with a minimum support.
General welfare is the concept that all people should have some basic quality of life (home, food, security).
In order to ensure this, there is often a "general welfare"clause in the constitution (US has it, but other countries too).
According to my research, it takes 164.79 years
I believe the answer would be, "Posture".
Please give more information!!