northeast, northwest, southeast and southwest.
The intermediate directions are northeast, northwest, southeast and southwest. They are also called ordinal and intercardinal directions. They are the directions in between the cardinal directions (north, south, east and west) on a compass.
11 players
A match is played by two teams, each with a maximum of eleven players; one must be the goalkeeper. A match may not start or continue if either team has fewer than seven players.
The field of Psychology is involved in the scientific study of behavior and mental processes.
Psychology is a discipline related to the scientific study of mental processes as well as behavior. Psychology usually utilizes this knowledge in many aspects referring to human activity, this includes people's daily lives and in some cases the treatment of illness related to the mind.
Psychology's purpose is trying to explain the different mental processes and behavior that occur in individuals. The interaction that exists between these processes usually occurs on a systemic level.
Lewis and Clarke brought back maps of were certain Indian tribes were which were friendly and which were aggressive the also brought sketches of animals they didn't see on the eastern side of the u.s and plants like melon etc.