If the person likes to bowl.
If they dont like bowling they might not have that great of a time especially for a first date!
You can use a brush to remove hard dirt and to clean it thoroughly. Produce like cauliflower, broccoli, or lettuce should be soaked in cold water for at least 1-2 minutes. Some produce, such as raspberries, should not be soaked in water. To wash greens, separate the leafs and soak them in a bowl of cold water for a few minutes. Do not wash the produce with soap or detergents. For produce with thick skin, use a vegetable brush to help wash away microbes. After washing the produce, dry with a clean paper towel, this can remove also more bacteria.
I think that you should search online about the time it needs for a person to get drunk and then do a research to see how the human body reacts so in the first day try 1 glass and then in the second 2 and keep going for a week based on the research u will be ablw to see the results
actually if u go to church for a confession it is legally allowed that u can drink the wine there but other than that 0.0
D. Bile
Another thing to note as well is that it also produces Dopamime which is how you get adicted to the substance and makes you feel good. But not in a good way at all.