Formal operational
One of the famous psychologist named Jean Piaget has proposed the theory of cognitive development in which he has mentioned four different stages of human development that occurs through different phases in an individual's life.
Formal operational stage: The formal operational stage is the fourth stage in the cognitive development theory. This stage begins with the age of approximately eleven to fifteen years and lasts through adulthood. As an adolescent enters in this stage, he or she acquires the ability to think abstractly by manipulating different ideas in his or her mind without being dependent on concrete manipulation.
A social problem is a condition that at least some people in a community view as being undesirable. Everyone would agree about some social problems, such as murders and DWI traffic deaths. Other social problems may be viewed as such by certain groups of people. It is essential to find the causes of the social problem before striving to solve it. The social problems prevailing in Nepal can be studied categorizing the in to the following headings.
1. Caste related problem
2. Linguistic problem
3. Gender inequality
4. Class related problem
5. Religious problem
6. Customary, traditional and cultural problems
7. Other problems like Girls' trafficking, Dowry system, Chhaupadi system, Corruption, etc.
Solution of social problems:
1. Mass meeting and publicity awareness programmes should be organized.
2. The public people should be made literate and they should be able to control such problem in their area.
3. The culprits should be punished very severely or hanged until death so other traders have a good lesson to leave this dirty work.
4. The people should be very aware and if people with vary unfamiliar nature appears in the village then should be very much active and vigilant about the activity of the strange person.
The camel, possibly
No animal is known as "the sheep of the desert" as far as I can tell, but the camel is sometimes called "the ship of the desert".
Disulfide bridges can be found in tertiary and quaternary structure levels of protein organization.
What does a disulfide bridge in a protein do and what is its function?</h3><h3>
Disulfide bonds or S-S bonds are other names for disulfide bridges. The establishment of these covalent bonds, which are formed between the sulfur atoms of two cysteine amino acids, stabilizes the tertiary and higher-order structure of proteins.
A frequent method utilized by nature to stabilize many proteins is the formation of disulfide bridges. These disulfide linkages are frequently observed in extracellular proteins that cells produce. The endoplasmic reticulum, an organelle, is where disulfide bridges are formed in eukaryotic species. When numerous proteins enter the secretory route for folding, disulfide linkages are formed between cysteine residues.
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