This would allow for a direct water trade route to New York City (C).
The Erie Canal connects the Hudson River in Albany with Lake Erie in Buffalo. DeWitt Clinton, governor of New York, asked for its creation in the early 19th century in order to have a navigable water route from New York City to the Great Lakes.
In the 18th century, the lack of railwails in this area made water the most profitable shipping route for bulk goods (i.e. large quantities of merchandise not packaged in usual containers, such as coal, oil, chemicals, sugar).
The correct answer is Identification
Problem Identification
Most of the time, a decision aims to solve a problem. Therefore, it is important to identify the nature of the issue to be resolved and to delimit it.
This step is crucial because, at the end of the process, the decision taken must be in accordance with the problem identified. Otherwise, chances are good that you will make an ineffective decision that cannot bring you the solution you need.
The speaker of the house is in front of the house of representatives. She usually does not preside over the debates personally, instead she delegates this function to another member of the majority party´s chamber. In addition to presiding over the chamber, she has administrative and procedural functions and remains a Representative of his own district.
It occupies second place in the line of presidential succession, after vice presidency of the United States, which also assumes <em>ex officio </em>the presidency <em>pro tempore </em>of the senate. It is a similar charge to the election of a prime minister in a parliamentary regime.