The intensity of a physical activity will be reflected with the speed at which the activity is carried out or the magnitude of the effort required to perform an exercise.
A moderate physical activity requires moderate effort, which noticeably accelerates the heart rate, but you can usually carry on a conversation. For example walking. Instead vigorous physical activity is going to require a great deal of effort and causes rapid breathing and a substantial increase in heart rate. For example surfing, playing tennis, horseback riding, biking, dancing and swimming.
Simply walking alone can actually do both of these however if you are looking for multiple answers then here are some examples: -Playing Sports -Jogging -Lifting Weights -Swimming -Dancing -Bike Riding etc...
It's very easy for things to go awry when there is nothing documenting the agreement between the parties or variations to that agreement. That's why it's important to ensure that any agreement you have, whether with an employee, supplier, customer or business partner, is captured in writing and any variations to the original agreement are also documented, approved and signed off