B. the cash that a firm generates from its normal business activities using its existing assets
It represent the cash from the main activity. It is a good indicator wether the company needs external financing or it can sustain his grow with own funds.
It is stated in the cash flow statement. along with investing and financing activities.
The CO.VID-19 pandemic produced a wide variety of types of effects worldwide, especially from spring 2020. Many people got sick and died from CO.VID-19. The fear that they themselves or people for whom they feel responsible would share this fate seized the population, scientists and politicians worldwide. There was a need for action from the development of the number of newly infected and deceased, from the economic crisis 2020/21, from a problematic development of social structures, from psychological stress on the Individuals and from further effects. In addition to concerns about people's lives and health and the resilience of the economy, there was also concern that the population could be deprived of basic rights for longer than justified by the pandemic.
Answer: B. The capital gains yield is positive.
The Capital Gains Yield is a percentage figure that tells how much an investment has increased in price from it's acquisition.
It works by taking the new value and dividing it by the original value.
Using Stacy as an example, the Stock increased by $4 so assuming she bought the stock for even $0.1 then her Capital Yield is,
= 4/0.1
= 40 * 100%
= 4000% which is positive
As long as the stock was sold for more than it was bought, Capital Yield Gain is positive.
price fixing
The collusion occurs when firms agree to collaborate in a way that disrupt markets such as fixing prices above the actual price to alter the equilibrium of the market
The major use of the matrix as a tool in international location strategy is to indicate the relative placement of countries in terms of attributes.
A crucial component of a company's success is being in the ideal location. Location frequently affects a company's bottom line and overall profitability. A location strategy is a plan for finding the best site for a business by determining the needs and goals of the organisation and looking for locations with amenities that meet these needs and goals. This typically means that the company will work to maximise opportunities while lowering costs and risks.
A matrix structure combines two or more distinct organisational structure types. It is a way to build up the company's structure so that reporting linkages are established as a grid or matrix rather than in the conventional hierarchy.
Learn more about location strategy here