Gravitational potential energy
Type II cells
Type II alveolar cells are the round-shaped or cuboidal epithelial cells. These cells have a free surface with microvilli. The function of the type II alveolar cells is to secrete the alveolar fluid to keep the surface of the cells moist.
A mixture of phospholipids and lipoproteins is present in the alveolar fluid that serves as surfactant and reduces the surface tension of the alveolar fluid. The overall effect of the presence of surfactant in alveolar fluid is to protect the alveoli against collapsing during exhalation.
The correct answer is option C, that is, the presence of the nuclear membrane.
Cyanobacteria is a phylum of bacteria that attain their energy via the process of photosynthesis, and are the only photosynthetic prokaryotes possessing the tendency to generate oxygen. As a prokaryote, they are devoid of the nuclear membrane.
Euglena refers to a single cell flagellate eukaryote. It comes under the class Euglenoidea. The species of Euglena are witnessed in salt water and in freshwater. Being a eukaryote, they possess nuclear membrane.
According to simple diffusion. Molecules travel from high concentration to low. So it would be traveling into the cornea