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There are 212.89 miles from Tallahassee to Daytona Beach in southeast direction and 251 miles (403.95 kilometers) .
What you are going to do is multiply what you have in parenthesis by two the answer is 2Xsquared and 2Y to the fourth
Step-by-step explanation:
Given that 33.4% of people have sleepwalked.
Sample size n =1459
Sample favourable persons = 526
Sample proportion p = 
Sample proportion p is normal for large samples with mean = 0.334 and
std error = 
a) P(526 or more of the 1459 adults have sleepwalked.)

b) Yes, because hardly 1.4% is the probability
c) 33.4 is very less compared to the average. Either sample should be improved representing the population or population mean should be increased accordingly.