EAR (Estimated Average Requirement) is the standard used to estimate daily nutrient needs of half of all healthy individuals.
Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) is basically the daily intake value of a nutrient that is estimated to meet the nutrient requirement of half the individuals which are healthy in a gender group and a life stage.
It is the level of intake for a nutrient at which the needs of 50% of the population will be met. Because the needs of the remaining population will not be met by this amount. It is basically derived from a group estimate.
because b) if we keep talking and not listening the customer would feel disrespected C)if we keep repeating what the customer said he/she would feel like we are teasing him D)if we keep interrupting the customer he/she would feel annoyed and disrespected so that's why we need choose A
-Facial grimacing or a frown.
-Writhing or constant shifting in bed.
-Moaning, groaning, or whimpering.
-Restlessness and agitation.
-Appearing uneasy and tense, perhaps drawing their legs up or kicking.
Eat healthy, Exercise, and Don't do drugs
Smooth muscles are from <span>Involuntary muscles </span>