Yes. Half life or better known as Radioactive decay is measured in TIME. Such as seconds, minutes, hours, days, years ect...
:) hope that helps you some, best of luck!
An Asexual reproduction means that the parent organism will simply split into two child organisms, and that there will be no mixing of the DNA, as it is the case in case of the sexual reproduction which mixes up the DNA. Therefore the child and the parent organism will contain exactly the same genetic material
G1 , S , G2 , Mitosis
G1, S, and G2 are known as Interphase.
Play Therapy
Play therapy is a type of psychotherapeutic orientation by which play is used as a medium to help an individual, most especially children, to express their feelings. This therapy helps with the brain development of a child and enables a play therapist respond to the needs of a child, most especially the metal health needs.
Through play therapy, a child is naturally able to communicate his feelings as he is guided, and this helps children to become aware of themselves ad accept who they are.