It could show if the specimen is still functioning
a. a female reproductive structure
Reproduction can be defined as a biological process which typically involves living organisms producing an offspring.
Basically, there are two (2) methods of reproduction and these are;
I. Sexual reproduction: it involves the combination of the genome (gamete) of a male and female living organism during fertilization.
II. Asexual reproduction: it involves the cloning of a living organism to produce an offspring because there is only a single parent.
Antophyte is the division name for flowering plants and they are considered to be the most successful of all the other division of plants in terms of reproduction.
Division Antophyta are classified into two (2) main categories and these includes;
I. Monocot: this group of flowering plants have a single cotyledon. Some examples of monocots are lilies, corns, grasses etc.
II. Dicot: this group of flowering plants have two cotyledon. Some examples of dicots are beans, peas, peanuts, etc.
Basically, fruit production in anthophytes develops from female reproductive structure known as the ovary. Once the ovary is fertilized by a sperm, they ripen into a fruit.
The given statement is true.
The majority of the chronic diseases are not accredited to a single cause, some of the poor lifestyle choices like overuse of alcohol, smoking, lack of physical activity, poor diet, and insufficient relief of chronic stress are the major contributors in the advancement and development of preventable chronic ailments, like type 2 diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and many kinds of cancer.
c. Ductus venosus, vena cava, heart, ductus arteriosus, arteries
The circulatory system consists of the heart and blood vessels. In a fetus, the circulation of blood is different from circulation after delivery largely due to the fact that the lungs are not in use, rather, the fetus obtains oxygen and nutrients from the mother through the placenta and the umbilical cord.
Blood from the placenta is carried to the fetus by the umbilical vein. While some of this blood enters the fetal ductus venosus and is carried to the inferior vena cava, some others enter the liver. The blood from the inferior vena cava then moves into the right atrium of the heart. The foramen ovale, an opening between the right and left atrium in the fetus directs most of the blood flow from the right into the left atrium, thereby, bypassing pulmonary circulation. Most of the blood from the right atrium flows into the left ventricle and is pumped through the aorta to the rest of the body.
Some of the blood from the right atrium however, enters into the right ventricle and is pumped into the pulmonary artery. The ductus arteriosus which is a special connection between the pulmonary artery and the aorta in a fetus, directs most of this blood away from the lungs and into the arteries.
False. Closing mines has economic impact on communities.
- Economy is impacted by any hindrance in activities of production,distribution and consumption of any good or services.
- So, closing mines too has great impact in economic sector of that certain area.
- In many countries, mining has been the major source of economy and job opportunities for the community people.
- Closing these mines results in downfall of economy and increased unemployment in that particular community.