It causes breathing problems, cancers, organ damage, changes your appearance for the worst, it smells bad, some of your friends may not want to be around you as much if they can't stand the smoke (like asthmatics), it can kill you, leaves a bad taste in your mouth, it costs a lot of money long term, and it is an addiction that is very hard to get rid of. The worst part is that you can also injure those around you in the same way with secondhand smoking.
Number 1 is semantic. Number 2 is hippocampus. Number 3 is Mary Cover-Jones. Number 4 is fixed ratio.
Semantic memory is every day generally obvious knowledge.
Episodic memory is something you learn and remember based on what happened in your own personal life.
The hippocampus is integral in consolidating memories from short-term to long-term memory
#1 is false
2 false
5 C
Well as a person who has been diagnosed with anxiety... Stress is caused by loss, extreme episodes, and/or physical pain, etc.