If you have a book, read it!! I promise you, it tells you this answer!
1 elements
2 they have same number of valence electrons
3 period
Potassium permanganate.
Both substances are dyes, but the methylene blue has a bigger molecular mass (319.85 g/mol), that means that the particles are bigger in comparison with the potassium permanganate that has a molecular mass of 158.034 g/mol.
Since the molar mass is the half in the case of potassium permanganate, it can be considered that the particle size is the half in size. In the agar, a smaller particle will present less resistance to flow, that means that it going to move faster.
Female energy the answer is the first one
Yes because Na is a metal and Cl is a nonmental, so they criss cross charges, as Na is 2+ and Cl is 2-, 2+ indicates that Na gives AWAY electrons to Cl and the 2- on Cl indicates it receiving electrons. NaCl is table salt and forms a crystal lattice structure, which is why salt is solid at room temperature.