Health Related Fitness
According to my research on studies conducted by health professionals, I can say that based on the information provided within the question these are all components of Health Related Fitness. This contains a total of five categories each of which focuses on specific body parts or functions. These five categories are
- cardiovascular endurance
- muscular strength
- muscular endurance
- flexibility
- body composition.
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For one teens get addicted mostly through peer-pressure and two the brain becomes confused with whats wrong and whats right once you start and can't quit.
3 & 4 are the right answers.
Profit earned from services, lenders, and investors is the private companies that provide profitable funding options for private healthcare business. They provide money to start a business and they take money back with interests in return.
On the other hand, government grants and charitable donations provide non-profit healthcare. They provide funds for public benefits.
General anesthesia or specifically Regional anesthesia