im sorry but why would you say that
Con una fractura estable, los extremos rotos del hueso están alineados y apenas fuera de lugar. Este tipo de fractura no requiere ningún tipo de realineación. Abierta, compuesta: una fractura abierta y compuesta ocurre cuando el hueso atraviesa la piel o la fuerza causa una herida abierta cuando ocurre la fractura. Las fracturas inestables son aquellas en las que los fragmentos del hueso roto están desalineados y desplazados.
The correct answer to the question: Omega 3 fatty acids contribute to cardiovascular health by lowering triglyceride levels and reducing platelet aggregation. Good sources of these fatty acids are:___, would be: Herring, salmon, and rainbow trout.
The subject of cardiovascular health has become a priority in most countries in the world, due to the pandemic of obesity, and due to the high levels of people with cardiovascular diseases due to poor diet, and little exercise. As such a lot of research has shed light on how to be able to control this situation and among the many results that have been found is the one of triglycerides, present in fat-rich foods, and certain carbs, that have been responsible for a lot of the cardiovascular problems the healthcare system is having to face. One way to control high levels of cholesterol, another huge contributor to cardiovascular diseases, and triglycerides, is the consumption of omega 3 fatty acids, both of vegetable sources and of animal sources. On the animal sources, we have that fish, especially fatty fish like salmon, trout, cod, and others like them, are really good and important sources of two of the three types of omega 3 fatty acids: DHA and EPA. The other one, linoleic acid, is more common in vegetable and grain sources.