Answer: They were captivated and inspired by Homer's characters and exploits
the time when Homer was alive was a time when most people could't read. so these stories that the people could see and listen too really caught their attention
The answer is: role playing on attitudes.
Zimbardo's controviersial experiment, also known as the Stanford prison experiment, aimed to simulate a prison environment and study the behaviors of both prisoners and guards (that were actually randomly assigned students).
Zimbardo wanted to focus on role playing and its influence on attitudes and behavior, which is why he asigned students randomly to both roles (prisoners or guards). He aimed to see if students that were asigned to be guards started to behave in such a way, and he discovered that role playing does have a strong influence on attitudes. Guards started acting violent and authoritarian towards prisoners, and prisoners also started defying their authority and causing riots.
5 people
Ivan Steiner who is a psychologist stressed about Team productivity.
Team productivity can be regarded as a measure of activities which is been carried out for quality output during in a particular amount of time. It entails setting up satisfaction of team members as well as providing all the necessary tools that is needed to perform the tasks with great efficiency.
It should be noted that the According to psychologist Ivan Steiner, team productivity peaks at about 5 people team members. People become less motivated and group coordination becomes more difficult after that size
Nora has asked Steve to consider his "possible selves".
Possible selves are the cognitive parts of expectations, fears, objectives, and dangers, and they give the particular self- relevant frame, which means, association, and course to these progression. The key idea here is possible selves, characterized as a component of self-information that alludes to what a man sees as possibly conceivable.