You are handed a model of a protein. It has a three-dimensional shape, and by twisting it, you can see that there is only one po
lypeptide chain in the model. You can see two alpha helices lined up next to one another in the model. From this evidence, you are looking at what level of protein structure? Tertiary T/F
During swallowing, the pharynx changes from airway to a food channel channel.During mastication, the food bolus aggregates in the pharynx before swallow commencement.
<em>The structures in the oral pit, pharynx and larynx serve various capacities in breathing, talking, rumination and swallowing,
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The nasal cavity, The pharynx is the piece of the throat behind the mouth and larynx the cylinders going down to the lungs and stomach .
Nourishment and fluid pass in reverse into the throat on their way to the stomach. Air pass out through the larynx and into the trachea.
May not be right, but because of Oxygen and the growing of new skin? We rub our skin without noticing and it will become frail and rub off, creating new skin