The value of tangential acceleration 40
The value of radial acceleration
Angular acceleration = 50
Radius of the disk = 0.8 m
Angular velocity = 10
We know that tangential acceleration is given by the formula
Where r = radius of the disk
= angular acceleration
⇒ 0.8 × 50
⇒ 40
This is the value of tangential acceleration.
Radial acceleration is given by
Where V = velocity of the disk = r
⇒ V = 0.8 × 10
⇒ V = 8
Radial acceleration
This is the value of radial acceleration.
The strategy we would like you to learn has five major steps: Focus the Problem, Physics Description, Plan a Solution, Execute the Plan, and Evaluate the Solution. Let's take a detailed look at each of these steps and then do an sample problem following the strategy.
The direction of the field is downward, and negatively charged particles will experience an upwards force due to the field.
F = N e E where E is the value of the field and N e the charge Q
M g = N e E and M g is the weight of the drop
N = M g / (e E)
N = 1.1E-4 * 9.8 / (1.6E-19 * 370) = 1.1 * 9.8 / (1.6 * 370) * E15 = 1.82E13
.00011 kg is a very large drop
Q = N e = M g / E = .00011 * 9.8 / 370 = 2.91E-6 Coulombs
Check: N = Q / e = 2.91E-6 / 1.6E-19 = 1.82E13 electrons
F = m*a, mass times acceleration.
F = 15*10 = 150 N