Despite the hours of sunlight a city receives, the latitude of the city plays a larger role due to the fact that with a higher latitude, the higher the solar angle allowing a city to be much warmer.
The Nucleus is the control center, or brain of the cell.
I have no clue what this is but um
"The increase in cytoplasmic volume, as in cell development and cell reproduction. The increase in size or population of cells, as in mitosis. When used to describe the growth of cell populations, cell growth refers to the growth and division of the “mother cell” into two “daughter cells".
please mark as brainly
carbon C,, comes from burning of hydrocarbons ,,which is a component of oxygen hydrogen and carbon ,,,the reservior in which carbon changes is coke,,,carbon flow into the atmosphere is less than the one released and these causes global warming,,due to blockage of the ozone layer leading to rain acid which leads to corrosion of iron,,,,over 300 years the role of ocean has changed,the convectional currents from the see meets carbon due to oxidation,,Co is formed C +O=C0,, ,in 2014,,the rate of global warming increased due to imcrease of release of carbon to the atmosphere,,,