The differences in gravity, craters on the moon and unknown materials.
These would all be helpful to consider.
This would be a Marine Biologist. It makes sense?
The type of adaptation that herbivores having a monocular vision to allow them a wider range of vision is called the structural or physical adaptation. Structural adaptation is the physical features of an organism or a characteristic in the body part of an organism which helps them survive in their natural habitat or environment.
The organ which plays the primary role in prompting individuals to seek food is the brain. The brain is one of the most important organ of the nervous system. It is comparable to the CPU of a computer. It is repsonsible of processing information that it is receiving from all the senses and send the message back to the organs for a response.
Both gene expression and DNA micro array study about the expression of gene during different stages of development.
The main purpose of gene expression studies is to determine the level of mRNA expressed at different stages of transcription in a tissue or at different stages of cellular development. If a gene is not “ON” during synthesis of RNA and protein, then the desired proteins are not produced. Such studies allow us to turn on such genes.
DNA microarray assays easily identify and determine the network of gene expression across the entire genome. The common application of DNA microarray include – mutation analysis and detection, assessment of gene cop, immunoassays etc.