Explanation: they break apart into ions as they dissolve into solution this process is known as dissociation.
Mg + Cl₂ = MgCl₂M(Mg) = 24г/моль m 1 моль Mg = 24 г.По условию задачи дано 12г. Mg Количество вещества n(Mg) =12÷24=0,5 мольРассуждаем: по уравнению реакции с 1 моль магния реагирует 1 моль хлора, следовательно с 0,5 моль будет реагировать 0,5 моль хлора.1 моль хлора при н.у. занимает объем 22,4л. , тогда 0,5 моль хлора займет:0,5х22,4л.= 11,2л. Ответ: Для взаимодействии 12 г. магния потребуется 11,2 л. хлора.
Answer: 10
Explanation: 10 + 4.1 = 10
I think the answer is it turnes into a gas. Hope it helps! :) Asnwer is density.
A. It is possible not all of the water was evaporated from the sand, causing the recovered mass to be higher
D. While drying the NaCl, the liquid boiled and some splattered out of the evaporating dish, causing the recovered mass to be higher.
Sand absorbs water and stores it. The sunlight causes the water to evaporate but sand can hold some of the water inside it. This results in increase in mass of the sand. The mass of sand before and after the water evaporation can be different.