It depends
(plum will spoil more quickly at warm temperatures)
You need to find the frequency, and they have already given you the wavelength. And since you already know the speed of light, you can use formula (2) to answer this problem. Remember to convert the nano meters to meters because the speed of light is in meters. 

Heat energy is needed for evaporation to happen.
A volcano is formed when magma (Lava) spews up from deep within the earth. After each eruption the Volcano gets bigger and bigger, so basically after periods of time the volcano will get larger. Lava will rise in cracks in the earth or weak spots in the earths crust. The pressure is relieved thus resulting in a volcanic eruptions it forms the new crust and then eventually builds up in that spot making a volcano. They also form in places called hot spots and various other places.
The answer is 0.375 mol of silver chromate