The title tells you what information the map is displaying. A Legend is used to explain symbols and colors on a map.
The French naval.
The French naval blocked the British escape by sea.
It was used by the Catholic Church and in academic settings.
Latin was for 20 centuries the official language of the Church. Academic writing and research was published in Latin. Masses were said in Latin, despite the fact that only the clergy and the best educated people (very few people during the Middle Ages) were the only ones who could speak and understand it. It was only in the second half of the 20th century that the Roman Catholic Church authorized masses in the local and national languages of each country.
I hope I can help you :)
Plants are living beings and need food to grow in a healthy way. Plant food is supplied by the soil, which, in addition to sustaining it, is the deposit of substances from which vegetables feed.
These food substances are called nutrients, and they are all the elements, or chemical compounds, that beings ingest to guarantee the functioning of their body's metabolism and cellular actions. In short: nutrients are the fuel and raw material for life.