thin skin actually has more extensive dermal layer - this make thin skin easier to stitch while thick skin is found on fingertips & soles of the feet
In mitosis you always end up with 4 daughter cells, althpugh it is true that theu start with 46 chromosomes and end up with 46 chromosomes.
Yes, with Profit-making firms. Private non-governmental entities that differ from the traditional private voluntary agencies. Corporate social welfare benefits help stabilize prices and maintain economic growth. Social welfare policies also relieve the social and economic dislocations caused by the uneven nature of economic development under capitalism.
Government social pro-grams erode the work ethic by supporting those not in the labor force. Second, because they are funded by taxes, public sector social welfare programs divert money that could otherwise be invested in the private sector.
People care deep about "organizational justice" and perform better when
they believe that their workplace is treating them with respect and
ensuring them rights and equitable reward structures. Organizations make their ethical priorities evident in multiple ways, including through policy; the criteria for hiring, promotion, and compensation; and the fairness with which they treat their employees.
Answer: the prokaryotic cell
Yes it is it will be about 18cm and will be the about the size of a bell pepper, the legs are also now proportional to with the body and you can hold your baby in the palms of your hands