investment plan allow you to invest the most amount of money? ... A Roth 401(k) plan takes money after tax has been removed from gross income, and has a contribution limit, but withdrawal is tax free. A Roth Individual Retirement Account allows you to draw a fixed amount that is not taxed.
6 Months can be a life insurance policy normally be backdated from the date of the application.
For Example:- Suppose, he/she purchased a policy with maturity duration of 20 years in March 2022 and backdated it to October 2021, the maturity benefits of the endowment policy can be reaped a year before in October 2041 than the initial date in March 2042.
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Earnings per share (EPS) = (net income - preferred dividends) / average number of outstanding shares
EPS for all equity plan:
($80,000 x 60%) / 18,000 = $2.67 per share
EPS for Plan I:
[($80,000 - $5,000) x 60%] / 12,000 = $3.75 per share
EPS for Plan II:
[($80,000 - $7,750) x 60%] / 8,700 = $4.98 per share
They study earth and the materials it's made from.