The British partitioned Bengal so that the province of Bengal can be easily and more safely governed compared to the large province being governed as a single province.
At the time of the partition, Bengal was the largest province of the Indian states under the Britishers. The Lieutenant Governor Lord Curzon believed that it will be easier to "divide" the province and rule if the province is made into smaller provinces.
Following the policy of "divide and rule", Bengal was partitioned into two- East and West Bengal, separating the Hindus and Muslim population. Though the 'alleged' intention was to separate Bengal and not on religious grounds, the separation ended in a chasm between the Hindus and Muslims. But the main reason for the Partition of Bengal was for administrative purposes, to make the governing of the provinces easier and more accessible.
Answer: reindeer and muskox
In most written documentations of the expiditions Cortes and his men were seen as cruel and disregarading towards the cultures of the explored.
Painted pottery, carved stone vessels, and jewelry
Freedom of religion selection
The main idea of this excerpt is that individuals must have the freedom to choose religion.
Religion is something that cannot be forcefully implemented, and even if force is used then we can’t get a sustainable growth.
Hence the author is stating that people should feely chose religion to whatever they like, based on their own thinking and conscience. Only under such scenario, they will practice the religion in its true spirit