because by overfishing we can destabilize the oceanic environment
The correct answer is A. The two cerebral hemispheres are separated by the longitudinal fissure.
The longitudinal or intercerebral fissure is a deep cleft that divides the brain longitudinally into two hemispheres (the right and the left) joined together by the corpus callosum. Other fissures, such as the central sulcus, the lateral sulcus and the internal perpendicular fissure, divide each hemisphere into large cerebral lobes, which in turn have cerebral convolutions.
The process of making a copy of gene is called DNA replication.
This is a four step process. In first step, the DNA molecule which is double helical structure is unzip. This is carried out by enzyme called helicase which is also called biological scissors. Then after that DNA form Y like structure having complementary base pairs. Two strands are formed ; leading strand and lagging strands. They complementary base pairs allow the formation of new strands with help of primer. So new strand is then a copy of gene or called replicated strand.
The consumer is the bird because it is getting its energy by eating the fruit from the bush.
the process of polymerization, a chain of similar smaller molecules
called monomer join together to create very large molecules called
polymer. Through this chemical reaction, water is created as a
by-product. In contrast to hydrolysis or breaking down of polymers, a
water molecule is used to break the covalent bond that hold the
components of a polymer.</span>