Windows media player should come pre-installed on your system and does not cost anything. You likely have malware on your system. I would download Malwarebytes antimalware from here
There is a premium version but just do the free one. Install and run. Let it get rid of the bad stuff it finds. I would also make sure you have an up to date Antivirus software and run a scan. There are plenty of good free ones if you don't have one installed already.
A clickable text or image that takes you to a different site is called a Hyperlink or simply a Link.
The RSA Algorithm was developed by and named after the initials of: Ron Rivist, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman while they were working at MIT. It was developed in 1977 and published in 1978. The algorithm uses the exponentiation modulo in encrypt and decrypt information.
The class Math include mathematical functions such as sin(), cos(), tan(), abs(), etc
If the given statement is not written, each of the math function will be written as (take for instance, the sin() function):
But after the statement has been written (it implies that the Math library has been imported into the program) and as such each of the mathematical function can be used directly.
So instead of <em>Math.sin(), </em>you write <em>sin()</em>
Answer is C = Speaker
How? as the speaker is the only item on the list that displays any type of content, that being audio, it's the only feasible answer to this question.