They were indeed innovative despite their lack of civilization
Prior to European contact the Natives were doing well in the areas of agriculture as they were innovative. Some of their agricultural products are Maize, Squash and Beans.
It will be fair to say that European contact with the Natives divided the tribes and lead to the death of many. Diseases such as Chicken pox and measles, typhus, came after European contact.
City state its a political system of an independent city and serving center political,economic and cultural life.
- City state are the differed from for they tribal or national system in size, patriotism and passion for the independence.
- City state ancient name was derived from the marked in its administrative center and territory usually limited.
- City state pursued policies of the foreign and government centralization that led of the city state in the political ancient world.
- City state established of peaceful transition the result of communal movement in the north self government.
- The general assembly of all its the magistracy of the consuls,for the ordinary political and legislative business.
- City state was the predominantly aristocratic of the leading families feudal castles of the country side.
- The term city state originated in the England in the 19th century and applied to the cities of Greece and Italy to the city state.
- City state they grew in population and commercial activity they created similar city states on they costs of the black Sea.
The process of respiration uses a chemical reation to perform it.