It is the voltage a voltmeter would read when connected across something that has resistance.
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|_____________________| |_____________ |
The diagram above is supposed to represent 3 lightbulbs connected in series. The vertical lines in the middle are supposed to be a battery which powers the three light bulbs. If you put a voltmeter across one of the lightbulbs, it will read a voltage that is 1/3 of the voltage of the battery.
That reading you get across the one light bulb is The Voltage Drop.
we have
we know that
The solution is the intersection of both solution sets of the given inequalities.
The solutions of the compound inequality must be solutions of both inequalities.
The value of c could be 5 or any number greater than 5, such that there are no solutions to the compound inequality
A number cannot be both less than 5 and greater than 5 at the same time
the answer is
for c_> there are no solutions to the compound inequality
The solution code is written in Python:
- def convertCSV(number_list):
- str_list = []
- for num in number_list:
- str_list.append(str(num))
- return ",".join(str_list)
- result = convertCSV([22,33,44])
- print(result)
Firstly, create a function "convertCSV" with one parameter "number_list". (Line 1)
Next, create an empty list and assign it to a new variable <em>str_list</em>. (Line 2)
Use for-loop to iterate through all the number in the <em>number_list</em>.(Line 4). Within the loop, each number is converted to a string using the Python built-in function <em>str() </em>and then use the list append method to add the string version of the number to <em>str_list</em>.
Use Python string<em> join() </em>method to join all the elements in the str_list as a single string. The "," is used as a separator between the elements (Line 7) . At the end return the string as an output.
We can test the function by calling the function and passing [22,33,34] as an argument and we shall see "22,33,44" is printed as an output. (Line 9 - 10)