Primary succession is one type of the ecological succession which takes place on the land devoid of vegetation or barren land.
The species which first flourishes on this barren land are known as pioneer species which includes the species of bryophytes and pteridophytes like lichens and mosses.
These lichens and mosses help breakdown the barren rocks through chemical leaching and help increase the nutrient content. This allows the ferns and small pteridophytes to grow.
Then the area is colonized by the intermediate species which includes herbs, shrubs later trees. These intermediate species help attract the animals and thus help establish the biological community.
Thus, Lichens mosses → herbs→ shrubs →trees.
The action and reaction forces referred to in Newton's third law are <u>opposite in direction and act upon different objects.</u>
In science, more specifically in the science classical mechanics, Newton's laws are principles that show the forces that act upon objects in motion. The first law speaks of momentum, the second of acceleration, and the third law states that for every action, there is an<u> equal and yet opposite </u>reaction.
Newton's third law may be confusing at first glance, but what it means is that the action and reaction forces are opposite in direction and act upon different objects, meaning that when one object applies force to another, the second will in-turn apply the same force back, whichever object is most resistant to these forces will be the one that moves the other.
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Fertilized human egg becomes a solid ball of cells known as morula which then differentiate into blastocyst to fully grown human baby.
1. As the zygote is formed it starts to divide and multiply while moving toward the uterus to form a blastocyst within five days.
2. The blastocyst attaches to the wall of the uterus by implanting itself to the uterine lining
3. Within the 15 days of conception, placenta and umbilical cord starts developing to bring in nutrients and eliminate waste
4. The embryo differentiates into three layers- a) the endoderm, b) the mesoderm, and c) the ectoderm. These three layer form different parts of the body
5. By end of 4 weeks, embryo develops distinct head, tail and heart
6. By end of 10th week, limbs, eyes, brain regions, and vertebrae form
7. Around week 36 labors begins.
Climate change. no one really knows yes people say this and that but we go off of what they say.