The switch sends broadcast traffic to all ports like a hub to get the number of ports used and build its MAC address table.
A network switch is a device used in a LAN to connect all available workstations. Unlike a network hub, it is able to send frames from a host or workstation to another using its MAC address table.
An example of a switch is the Cisco 2950 switch. When it is first turned on, it acts as a hub, broadcasting traffic to all its ports. This process is used to create a MAC address table to get the IP address of workstations and the ports they relate to, enabling it to send unicast traffic to a specific port.
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: Networking technology is the term used to describe the entire processes through which computer or mobile systems are linked up either through optic fibers,wireless systems in order to enhance effective communication across networks or regions.
OSI (open system interconnection), the earliest models partitions into seven layers and the OSI is known as model that creates partitioning a communication system classing them into abstraction layers.
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<span>He would click on the Test 1 column and press Sort, then click on the Test 2 column and press Sort.
It depends on what you learn because it says "shift"</span>