development of higher education for all
there are many reasons to it one of it maybe the fact or incident of the real event is too disturbing so they modified it so young ones don't get terrified or it can be the exact opposite like the real event may not be very fascinating so they add up a little to catch readers attention.
The availability Heuristics
We make decisions and judgments every day. The heuristic is a mental shortcut that helps us in making the decision and judgment quickly without having spent a lot of time searching or analyzing the facts.
<u>Availability Heuristic:
Firstly it tells about how quickly we make the decision and judgment and how easily something gets into the mind. We always rely on how easily we can think of an example when we making any decision or judgment.
The problem with availability heuristic is that we assume that if we get all examples, readily available in our mind, the event or the subject matters is a commonplace.
However, there are many situations in which availability heuristics is accurate and useful.
ni id ea mire como hace por que eso debe estar en goog le asi que investigue bien
Yes , They do.
There are only two events that can overturn this.
First is if the supreme court justice personally stepped down from their position.
Second is if the supreme court justice receive an accusation that prove they are not in a 'good behavior'. In that case, the senates will review the accusation and vote among themselves to whether strip the supreme court justice or not.