What most encourage Mexican immigration to the United States is the possibility of getting a job. The economic situation in Mexico is very bad and applies mainly to poorer people.
The United States has millions of options for immigrants to work, sometimes they are not well paid and are inhuman, but the chance of getting a job is more important for them.
This affects Mexican economy positively as emigrants (living in the U.S.) are able to help their families that still live in Mexico and diminish the levels of poverty.
Answer: Teaching given by Marta is about the language usage so that control over intense feeling can be achieved
Explanation: As Marta's son got tired from the zoo trip and also got slight injury on the knee , she is trying to calm him with the talk as he is angry and upset. The intense feeling of anger and distress is required to be calmed doen so Marta is taking about the good events of the zoo.
Language in the form of taking is playing the role as the controlling medium. By talking about fun and tiring day she is trying to teach Roberto about the controlling the intense feeling through the medium of language.
Rickie knows that Angela Merkle is the name of a chancellor of Germany. Rickie is retrieving this information from storage in sematic memory.
The answer you are looking for is anxiety disorders
Willem Janszoon was the leader of the first expedition to "find" Australia and he was Dutch.