Carbonization is the term for the conversion of an organic substance into carbon or a carbon-containing residue through pyrolysis or destructive distillation. It is often used in organic chemistry with reference to the generation of coal gas and coal tar from raw coal.
The color of the surfaces because an object with a black surface will absorb and reradiate energy faster and at a higher concentration than the same object with a lighter colored surface.
Lipids are a class of organic compounds, which suits best under the column macromolecules on the hierarchy of biological organization.
Biological organization refers to the hierarchy of composite biological systems and compositions, which illustrate life using a reductionistic method. The conventional hierarchy moves from an atom to more complex biospheres.
Each of the level in the hierarchy signifies an enhancement in the organizational complexity, with each component being mainly comprised of the previous basic unit level.
caused by an earthquake and is one of the most destructive and devastating natural disasters