No son iguales una es mayor una tienes 100 años y la otra 200
Negative Reinforcement
The objective of negative reinforcement is to eliminate an aversive thing or situation, that is, to eradicate an unpleasant response in the subject that could bring unpleasant consequences.
In the example stated, we can see that the mother managed to produce this desired effect on the child, since she took the toys away from him for a week, in this way the child learned that he should not get angry or be rude to his mother when they are in the toy stores.
In the OSHA standard 29 CFR 1926.100(a), ‘1926’ represents the Part.
When reading OSHA Standard numbers, it follows standard
breaking down of the numbers. Prior to 1979 standard promulgation, italics and
a capital or upper case letter is used in the fourth set of parentheses.
The main threat to internal validity here is History.
Internal validity refers to how well a research is conducted. Internal validity determines if it's the independent variable (or another factor) that caused or resulted in the change in the dependent variable.
History here alludes to the internal validity threat that refers to events outside of the experimental setting (increase in cigarette taxes) that may affect the dependent variable (smoking cessation).
A hypothesis is a supposition for a phenomenon. It tries to predict the end result of a research, hence it is made based on limited information, but can form the beginning for a study. Although a hypothesis is based on limited information, it is testable and also precise.
A hypothesis helps with making predictions for a scientific study, which can be further tested to ascertain the supposed claim.
For example, although the statement by Ciara was only a prediction with limited evidence, it could be further tested and that makes Ciara's supposition a hypothesis.