A concussion, as found on Google, is a "temporary unconsciousness caused by a blow to the head.", which means a really hard hit to the head, and then a knock out or a blackout
Some symptoms that are usually associated with a concussion can be but are not limited to: headaches, memory loss (if severe), nausea, vomiting, slurred speech, confusion, and fatigue. There can also be sleep disturbances, sensitivity to any type of change, such as air or light, and disorders of the 5 senses (sound, sight, touch, smell, and taste).
ensure the best possible health outcomes for patients while saving the organization and the patient money
Proper resource utilization when appropriately applied helps to ensure the best possible health outcomes for patients while saving the organization and the patient money. It also helps to maximize staff usage in such a way as to eliminate redundancy and increase overall efficiency throughout the organization.
Anxiety I would say, based on the answers you provided below.