I dont know I'm so sorry I cpuldnt help
Following are the program in the Python Programming Language:
#set dictionary
d = { 'State' : 'Delhi', 'Country' : 'India'};
#reverse the dictionary.
revers = dict((v, k) for k, v in d.items())
#Displays the reversed dictionary.
print("Dictionary is: \n")
Dictionary is:
{'Delhi': 'State', 'India': 'Country'}
Here, we set the dictionary data type variable "d" then, we set the variable in which we store the reverse of the dictionary in which key is converted into the value and value is converted into the key. and finally we print the reverse dictionary.
Print([(a,b) for a in range(10) for b in range(10) if (a < b and a%2 == 1 and b%2 == 1)])
Here, we declared a range of value for a and b using a for loop and the range function. The values are the first 10 numeric digits. The we used the if statement to establish our constraints;
In other to ensure that ;
Lower digit is written first ; (a < b) ;
Only odd numbers are considered,
a%2 == 1 ; b%2 == 1 (remainder when a and b are divided by 2 is 1.
Both a and b are declared as a tuple in other to obtain a pair of odd values.
First: .Net
Second: New Zealand
Net is short for Network.
NZ means New Zealand.
<span>A peer-to-peer network (or workgroup) consists of multiple windows computers that share information, but no computer on the network serves as an authoritative source of user information. domain-based peer-to-peer server-based centralized</span>