There are lots of transitional organisms in the fossil record though it does take very specific and precise conditions for a fossil to be preserved, a deer that dies in a field will not end up in the fossil record so we are looking at a small sampling of the evidence (and a good thing too or there wouldn't be anywhere to walk with all the bones laying around)
A. Lemon juice taste very sour and tangy and its a safe acid to drink. B. It will irritate your eyes and it will really burn and make your eyes bloodshot red.
A. Radioactive markers
Hershey and Chase used specific radioisotopes to form a trace of the two important components of the virus in its life cycle. The 32P was used to identify the DNA while the 35s labeled the proteins.DNA strands have a sugar phosphate where as protein contains sulfur.
Best wishes!
Tissue typing is a screening process in which cell markers in a donated organ or tissue are identified so that they can be matched to a recipient with similar cell markers. This has become more important in recent years because of the number of organ transplants
The grid method is best used in large crime scenes such as fields or woods.
Several searchers, or a line of them, move alongside each other from one end of the area to be searched to the other.