Answer: Dirección de Sanidad Acuícola y Pesquera.
El Servicio Nacional de Sanidad, Inocuidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria (Senasica) está a cargo de proteger los recursos acuícolas, así como la regulación y promoción, aplicación y certificación de la calidad agroalimentaria para facilitar el comercio tanto a nivel nacional como internacional. Es en la Dirección de Sanidad Acuícola y Pesquera donde se emiten los certificados de sanidad de productos alimenticios de especies acuícolas.
How does being the oldest, middle, or youngest sibling in your family influence your personality? Open-ended
Under what circumstances would you disobey an authority figure? Open-ended
How could our school increase student morale? Open-ended
Is homework always worthwhile? Close-ended
Do people pay too much attention to celebrities? Close-ended
Would you ever change places with someone else? Close-ended
Open-ended are questions that require you to produce your own answer rather than just answer true or false or yes or no.
Close ended questions require you to just answer with given answers such as a. b. c. d., true/false etc.
The virus got its name from the nearby Ebola river
Free radicals are unstable molecules that lost an electron and will seek to replace it as it gives rise. These are formed from oxygen and although about 95% of the oxygen we consume is for energy, the rest generates these harmful molecules.
Free radicals cause aging, DNA alterations and <u>cardiovascular diseases</u>, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, increase levels of bad cholesterol and <u>cancer</u>.
There are also other elements that increase the number of free radicals in our body and these are: tobacco, radiation, excessive consumption of processed foods, pesticides and industrial pollution.
honey (PURE honey) doesn't go bad though