This is beneficial and is actually an adaptation of humans to climates with larger amounts of sunshine. The darker color of skin helps prevent damage such as sun burn.
yesterday was a temporary password is goes by
Answer: 4
It is composed of a cell, but does not have
Genetic Organization of Prokaryotes Aids Fast Generation Times. Compared to eukaryotes, prokaryotes usually have much smaller genomes. On average, a eukaryotic cell has 1000 times more DNA than a prokaryote. This means that less DNA must be replicated (copied) with each cell division in prokaryotes
All of the statements are true.
The X chromosome is one of the two sex chromosomes of humans and some animals (the other sex chromosome is the Y chromosome). Men have a single X chromosome and women two X chromosomes.
Diseases whose gene is localized on the X chromosome are most often transmitted in the X-linked recessive mode; some are transmitted on the dominant mode related to the X.
In this mode of inheritance, the morbid allele behaves like a recessive trait.
Women heterozygotes are not affected but can transmit the disease; they are aid to be conductive of the disease.
The disese is only manifested in male subjects (XY) with only one copy of the gene (hemizygous subjects)